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Sky of Dust: The Last Weapon Page 16
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Page 16
Peter’s eyes started to roll back in his head, his arms losing strength.
Using his last ounce of strength, he drove his second blade into the man’s arm.
Peter fell to his knees and started to cough as the man wailed in pain.
Peter got to his feet wearily, just as the tattooed man charged in a blinding rage.
Peter ducked as the man stretched his bloody arms, dislodging a knife from the man’s arm and thrust it into his opponents gut.
The tattooed man crumpled to the ground.
Aaric clapped.
“Brilliant!” Aaric chimed as he turned towards his spectators. “What do you think?”
“What I think is that you’re trying to sell us cheap parlor tricks,” one man called out.
The others began to mumble in agreement.
Aaric’s face got red.
“Save your judgment until after you have seen the rest,” Aaric demanded. “Release the next two!”
This time Abigail and a shaggy man exited their cells.
As soon as they exited, the man shot a ball of light from his hand. Luckily Abigail was alert, and she rolled out of the way as the light connected with the glass cell door located next to her.
The ball melted through the glass like a hot knife cutting through butter, then hit a man in a blue jumpsuit. The man cried out in pain as he was pushed back by the light. The man collapsed face first into the ground, smoke coming from his chest.
The man shot another ball of energy towards Abigail, who was running towards the weapons. The energy dissipated against a bronze shield that Abigail was passing.
Every time she went for the weapon, the man would launch another attack. Abigail was starting to get tired; she was relying on strength too much.
The man was not looking so good either. Blood started to trickle from his nose, and his attacks were getting slower.
I realized that Abigail was trying to make the man overexert himself. It was smart, but it was also too dangerous. If just one ball touched her, she would be done for.
I banged on the glass.
“Get the shield!” I yelled to her.
Abigail glanced at me, while keeping eye on the shaggy man.
She gave a little nod and started to side step slowly towards the weapons.
The man gave a loud cry and lifted his arm like he was about to throw a baseball.
Abigail leapt towards the shield just as the man tossed a ball of energy towards her. She grabbed the shield with both hands and swung it in front of her, deflecting the ball of energy.
She held the shield in front of her body, grabbed a gun, and aimed it at the man, firing twelve shots. Of course, she missed every time, which seemed to make the man even angrier.
Abigail tossed the pistol to the side and deflected two more energy balls. Just after the second one, she rushed towards him, shield held high.
She rammed him with all her strength and the shaggy man flew through the air about twenty feet and rolling another five. The man lay motionless. It was hard to believe anyone would be able to survive that. It was like being hit by train.
Abigail dropped the shield on the grounds and looked at her hands.
She turned and walked back towards her cell, looking at me in horror.
I looked over to Dad, who seemed to be studying the area where the audience was located.
“Can a cheap parlor trick make light burn through objects?” Aaric asked with his arms up. “Can they give a small girl the power to send a man flying thirty feet?”
Some observers had migrated to the front, pressing their faces to the glass barrier for a better angle, or possibly look for hidden wires.
“How about a few more demonstrations?” Aaric offered, who pleased with the progress he was making.
A few observers nodded their heads.
He turned around and raised his hands, signaling for two more cells to open.
Jason and a normal looking man emerged.
The man began to grunt in pain as fingers, and eventually an extra pair of arms grew from his sides.
It was a short and bloody fight.
The man with four arms lunged at Jason as soon as his new arms were fully grown. The man just continued to swing, and Jason just kept absorbing the hits.
Jason had taken at least twenty hits before I started to wonder what he was doing. He had more than enough stored to knock the guy out.
It was only when Jason was backed up into my cell door that I realized he wanted to do more than just hit this man—he wanted to kill him with one hit.
Blood poured from Jason’s face as he just smiled like he was enjoying every second of it.
The four armed man backed up, trying to catch his breath.
“Jason, don’t do it,” I yelled, but it was too late.
Jason launched himself forward and gave a wide swing. The sound was horrid, as the man’s bones shattered and organs exploded.
Jason laughed as he stood over the four armed man.
Then he did something even more horrifying. He began to beat the man’s body as he continued to laugh.
“Stop!” I yelled at him as I banged on the glass.
Jason just ignored me and continued his onslaught.
“Jason!” Abigail screamed. “Stop, please stop!”
Jason froze at the sound of her voice. He looked around like he had forgotten where he was, and then looked at the bloody man beneath him. Jason got up slowly, looking at his red hands.
“That’s enough,” Aaric called to Jason.
Jason walked back to his cell and crumpled in the corner.
“I promise, the next one won’t be so fast!” Aaric announced as he pointed to me.
My cell door clicked and slowly opened.
My heart started racing; my mind went fuzzy. I stepped out into the arena and looked towards the other cell door that had opened.
A tall man with dark brown skin limped out from the cell. It was not until he got closer that I was able to get a good look at his face.
The man I would be fighting was Paul.
Chapter 27
My heart sank at the sight of him.
He was no longer the ox that we had once met. Instead he was skinny, with eyes sunken in and cracking lips. His eyes begged for release, but he had no control.
How could I kill a man that I thought was dead, and happened to be my friend’s father?
“Paul!” I called in a shaky voice. “It’s me, Dalyn. You helped us escape!”
Paul continued to walk forward with a blank stare.
His skin rippled as a glow started to form in the palm of his outstretched hand.
I slowed down reality as I ran towards him as hard as I could. My head started to spin as I got closer, as if my mind realized what this guy had done to me before.
I rammed into him with all my weight and let reality slip back as we both slammed into the floor.
I punched him in the face and then smashed his head into the ground, hoping it would jog his memory.
I felt a hand on my chest, and it was too late.
I felt electricity pulse through my veins as I was thrown backwards.
Other than my hair standing up, I felt fine. I guess the suit was able to absorb some of the energy, but I did not want to try it again.
Paul pushed himself to his feet and raised his hand again, firing another bolt that raced across the floor. I managed to roll out of its path and get to my feet.
My only chance to take him out was to get close. But once I did, I had no idea what I would do. I couldn’t kill him.
Paul turned, grabbed a chain from the weapon stash, and swung it towards me, catching me around the leg.
I could feel my ankle snap, just as he started to channel electricity through my body.
All I saw was colored light flash through my eyes. I saw nothing in shapes, just color. Dancing colors. I could just make out the screams of the others as they called to me.
Then calmness. My eyes came back into focus, my body still stiff.
I lifted my head and saw Paul on one knee, exhausted.
I slowly reached down to the chain and unwrapped it from my leg, careful not to tug it or make a sound. Just as my leg was free, Paul looked up and pulled the chain towards him, ready to swing again. Luckily, he swung too far back and the chain wrapped around a rack of weapons.
Not fazed, Paul dropped the chain and limped towards me.
My body was still in the process of waking up, so all I could do was push myself back with my good foot.
Paul leaned over me, placing a knee on the ground to my right and his foot to my left. He grabbed me by my collar, his wild eyes looking into mine.
I could hear his body buzz as he began to build up what he needed to finish me off.
“P-Paul,” I struggled to whisper. “Your girl is alive. Annie is alive.”
For a second, Paul’s face relaxed.
I slowly started to reach into my leg pocket.
“She is beautiful,” I continued, trying to hold his attention while my hand worked to free the necklace Annie gave to me. “She wanted to come help us, but I wanted her to stay safe.”
Paul’s grip loosened, but his body continued to charge.
I pulled the necklace up between our faces; the sun pendant shimmered as Paul’s eyes focused on it.
“She isn’t mad at you,” I told him. “She told me about your game. She beats me too.”
Paul’s mouth began to twist in a smile, and a tear formed in his eye.
He pulled me close to his face.
“Dalyn, when I let you go, you need to run as fast as you can,” Paul forced out, like he was struggling for his own voice. “Tell her I love her.”
Paul grabbed the necklace from my hand and stood up, walking towards the audience. His body started to spark, his skin expanding, trying to contain a great energy.
I did what I was told and began to push myself as far back as I could.
Paul shot an arc of electricity at the barrier, shattering a hole where some of the spectators stood.
Paul looked back at me and smiled. He ran towards the area just under the barrier, and electricity burst from his body. Anything it connected with exploded. The barrier continued to crack. Arcs flew in through the gaps in the barrier, connecting with several observers.
Then the electricity stopped. Paul fell to his knees, staring at the necklace in his hand, and then he fell to the ground motionless.
The crowd was in chaos, but I soon noticed not in a way that would make them flee. They were crowding Aaric, asking how much he wanted for the vial.
Aaric waived his hands and told everyone to just be patient.
“We have a few more contestants,” Aaric announced. “Besides, I do not want you to bid without knowing all that is possible.”
Aaric scanned the remaining cells.
“Hmmm. The pretty lady will do.” Aaric snapped his fingers, and her door opened.
Mary ran and knelt down next to me.
“Are you okay?” she asked with a trembling voice.
“My ankle,” I winced. “I think it’s broken.”
Mary put her hands on my ankle.
“Let me try,” she said as I felt a tingling run through my leg.
The pain started to dissipate, and I could feel my bones begin to align.
“Mary, it’s working,” I stammered.
I looked up and saw a drip of blood slide down from her nose.
“Mary, stop.” I tried to get her attention, but she was lost in focus.
I grabbed her hands and pried them off my leg.
She looked up with shock.
“What…what happened?” Mary muttered rubbing her head.
“You were healing my ankle, and your nose started to bleed,” I told her. “My ankle feels fine. I don’t think it’s broken anymore."
Mary looked confused. “I can’t fix bones.”
“That’s very touching,” Aaric called down. “Thank you for demonstrating that for us. Now boy, get back in your cell.
Aaric tapped his chin.
“Now, I want to end this demonstration with our best. We are known for our Guards, so why not demonstrate an ex-Guard with an ability,” Aaric mused. “I know he will not fight one of his own people though, so….let’s make him listen, shall we?”
Aaric spun his fingers in the air, and I heard a click then the sound of pressurized air.
I looked over to my dad, and he was trying to hold his breath. His face was bright red.
“They must be pumping in some form of Aaric’s mind control chemical,” Mary whispered. “Dalyn, get back in your cell.”
“No, I’m not going to leave you,” I replied.
I stood up; my ankle was still a little sore after all.
“I will fight him!” I shouted up to Aaric. “He’s my dad, so I will fight him! Just let everyone else go! You don’t need them anymore!”
Aaric smiled broadly.
“This is interesting.” Aaric tapped his chin.”Why not?”
My dad’s cell door clicked open, and he took a step out.
Mary looked at me; tears filled her eyes.
“Good luck…I'm so sorry…” Mary started.
“I have a plan,” I lied. “Don’t worry about me.”
Mary looked stunned, then took a breath and shook her head.
Mary walked back towards her cell, and the door closed behind her.
“Bret,” Aaric said with enjoyment in his voice. “Kill your son.”
“Dad listen, you can fight it!” I called to my dad.
Dad took a step forward and disappeared, only to reappear next to me, ramming his fist into my side.
I slammed to the floor, gasping for air that would not come.
My dad turned calmly and walked towards the weapons. He picked up a six inch curved blade and turned towards me.
“Make it slow, will you Bret?” Aaric called down. “We want the fun to last!”
Everyone began to laugh.
I stood up, my knees wobbling from fatigue.
Dad disappeared again, and then reappeared, slicing at my left leg before disappearing again.
I fell to a knee and looked around, spotting Dad pacing back and forth, trying to figure out a way to kill me slowly.
I got to my feet and bolted towards the weapons. I had just grabbed a dagger when I heard a pop, as a knife handle slammed into the back of my head.
Pain echoed through my body as I fell face first onto the ground. Blood filled my mouth as I rolled over. My ears were ringing, and my sight was hazy.
I pushed myself up and focused on my dad, who was standing in front of me.
He was just toying with me, I knew.
I slowed down time and ran towards him, but, as I inched closer, I watched as his body began to fold and shrink down into a tiny vortex until he was gone.
I released time and felt a blade slice through my side. I jumped back to face my dad.
My mind started processing what I had just seen. If he actually took time to disappear, and I could see when it happens, then I should be able to do the same when he reappears.
I held my breath and focused on Dad. I slowed down time again, and pretended to take a step forward. Right on cue, Dad began to fold away, and the vortex shrank.
I leaped back and scanned around me until I saw it. A small vortex, just beside me, began to grow, and the image of my dad started to emerge
“Sorry Dad,” I whispered.
I lunged forward and released time.
I felt my blade dig into his rib cage.
Dad gave a gasp and looked at me. It was him.
“Protect—” he stammered.
He smiled and looked up to Aaric, who stood with a huge grin on his face.
“Protect…our family…and friends,” he continued. “Don’t be scared. I’m proud of you.”
“Dad?” I started, but he disappeared.
It only took a se
cond to realize what he had done. With the barrier between him and Aaric breached, he could teleport himself close enough to Aaric to finish him off.
I turned my head towards Aaric, and I was almost right. Instead of Aaric, he had appeared next to Pan, prying the knife from her hands.
Aaric started to back up, removing his glove and shouting, “Guards!”
My dad stumbled after her him and disappeared, reappearing behind Aaric. He drove Pan’s blade into Aaric’s shoulder blade.
Pop! Pop! Pop!
Gunshots echoed in the arena as the Guards opened fire into my dad.
My dad slid down, releasing the knife now lodged in Aaric's back.
Chapter 28
“Dad!” I yelled, but he did not move.
The Guards steadied Aaric and guided him to a door that was being flooded by panicked bodies. I could hear helicopters land and take off from what must have been the helipad on the other side of the door.
“Pan!” I yelled. “Pan, can you hear me?”
Pan turned slowly towards me and blinked.
“Dalyn?” Pan asked as she began to look around like she had just woken from a dream. “What happened? Where are we?”
“Pan, please listen.” I tried to get her attention as I grabbed the chain that Paul had used. “I am going to throw this up. I need you to tie it off somewhere, understand?”
Pan looked at me like she was determining if I was real or not then nodded her head.
After a few tries, I was able to toss the chain up to Pan.
“Done,” Pan called back once she had secured the chain.
When I arrived to the top, I was running only on the will to free my friends and family.
The only people left were Pan and a man who was lying on the floor unconscious; whom I realized was President Richards. He must have been one of the people struck by Paul’s bolts.
I crawled over to a control panel that a Guard was using during the fights. I scanned the buttons until I came across the cell keys. I pressed them one at a time. The first few were empty, but I was able to match the key numbers with the cells so I could release only my friends and not the crazy people.
When I came to Casey’s cell, I hesitated. After what he had done, how could any of us trust him? I knew he had done it for his family, but he was foolish to trust Aaric.
I hit the button to release him, and he looked up at me in shame.