Sky of Dust: The Last Weapon Read online

Page 10

  “So for us to survive the invasion, we have to work together,” I summarized.

  My dad nodded.

  “And Dalyn, since Aaric knows you have escaped and that you are related to me, I am certain he will be keeping our family close to him,” my dad hinted.

  “You mean they may be at the Renatus HQ?” I guessed.

  “I believe so,” he replied. “I don't want you or anyone else to feel like you are forced to join me. It is your choice. You don't have to make a decision now.”

  He looked at his watch and whistled.

  “Why don’t you go clean up and get ready for bed while I clean this up,” he suggested, pointing to a room next to the kitchen. “I will be busy tomorrow in the Armory. You can wander around a bit and try to get to know the place if you want.”

  My head started to hurt from all of the information that I had just absorbed. I had so many more questions, but I did not think I would be able to handle the answers right now.

  “Bed sounds good,“ I said.

  I got up and grabbed the bag full of my clothes and walked into my room, closing the door behind me. I fumbled around until I found a lever that I pushed up to turn the lights on.

  I set my belongings on the chair next to my bed. Everything looked so clean. I looked at my hands, which were still covered with dirt. I was filthy.

  I took off my clothes and stuffed them in a trash bin in the bathroom.

  I stood in the shower probably close to an hour. It was so relaxing letting the hot water trickle over my body. Hot water was a treat back at home, especially with so many people living in the same house.

  By the time I got out, my body was shriveled like a raisin. It did not matter though; I felt the cleanest I had ever been in my life.

  I walked over to the bed and sat on it. I sunk a few inches into the foam mattress and my back cracked. I had been sleeping on a mattress that was probably eighty years old, with springs popping out, back at home.

  I slid under the blankets and closed my eyes.

  Chapter 17

  I woke when I heard the apartment door shut.

  Dad must have left for work.

  I turned over and closed my eyes, determined to get a few more hours of sleep before I started my day.

  My heart jumped when I heard footsteps approach my door and stop.

  Maybe Dad did not leave, I thought.

  The door opened, and Abigail walked in.

  “Ugh, put some clothes on!” she cried as she grabbed my bag and threw it at me.

  “Don’t you knock!?” I asked in embarrassment. I was mostly covered I thought. I hope. “How did you get in here anyways?”

  “Your dad let me in when he was leaving,” she told me with her back turned towards me. “I figured I would show you around. Mary is giving Peter a tour already. We will meet them for lunch later on.”

  “And Casey?” I asked.

  “Your dad is giving him a private tour,” Abigail responded in an uneasy voice. “I guess your dad thinks he can get Casey to realize that we were…are trying to help him.”

  I hoped Dad would be able to convince Casey, but that’s just not something you could let go so easily. Even if Casey came to terms of what happened, I feel like our relationship would never be the way it was.

  I pulled on my clothes and grabbed my green hoodie.

  “All right, let’s get going then,” I said.

  Abigail turned around, and her eyes widened. I felt like I was being sized up for a slaughter.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” she replied. “Just you clean up well.”

  I almost felt happy until she opened her mouth again.

  “I almost thought you would stay gray forever,” she added.

  I sighed. “Do you ever say anything nice?”

  “All the time,” Abigail responded. “I just tell the truth.”

  As we left the apartment, I grabbed a few apples for breakfast.

  “So what’s on today’s agenda?” I asked.

  “I figured I would show you the training areas, the armory, and then do some shopping,” she replied.

  “Shopping?” I said.

  “Not for you dummy, for me,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Today is July 4th. There will be a party in the shopping area. They will clear out all the booths and turn it into a giant ballroom. There will be food, concerts, and dancing.”

  “So what does that have to with shopping? And what’s special about today?” I asked.

  Abigail’s face got red.

  “Well, I have nothing to wear,” she admitted. “And today is Independence Day, when the original US won their independence.”

  As we walked, I began to fill her in on what my dad told me the night before.

  “So that’s why he wants us to help him? He needs people he can trust?” Abigail asked once I was finished. “I can’t believe that we will be invaded. And work together with Renatus? It does not seem very likely.”

  I had to agree with her. It did not seem possible, but I guess we did not have many options.

  We reached an area that reminded me of a gym but about twenty times bigger. There were weights, stair machines, four boxing arenas, punching bags, and a whole lot other things that were new to me.

  “This is one of the training areas,” Abigail told me. “This is mainly for warm ups and to stay in shape. The best one is the one that you see from your dad’s balcony.”

  “Have you been there?” I asked.

  “I have been there a few times,” she said. “A few times a year they hold a competition, a war game. They also have an obstacle course there that you must pass in order to be in the higher ranks of the US military.”

  “Is that the one we have to pass in order to join my dad’s team? Have you tried to do it?” I asked.

  “Noooo, I have not tried to do it. And yes, that’s the same one. It is extremely hard I hear. Jason was able to finish it though,” Abigail said with pride.

  Great, another mark for why Jason is great and I am a loser.

  “This training area is mostly for the normal people. We have a separate training area,” Abigail informed me.

  “We?” I asked.

  “The ones with abilities. It's safer to keep everyone separated when we are learning to control our abilities,” Abigail told me.

  She led me a bit further down the hallways and into an elevator.

  We exited into a wide open room with scattered weapons and debris all over.

  “Do they ever clean in here?” I commented.

  “Yeah, it gets messy in here when some of us let loose,” Abigail replied. “Your dad comes down here every once in a while to try and teach new comers how to control their abilities.”

  “Really? How?” I asked.

  She looked at me shocked.

  “He hasn’t told you?” She asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Dalyn, he helped create the watches,” she answered.

  Abigail smiled and started to wave.

  I turned my head, and Jason was heading towards us.

  “He has an ability too?” I mumbled loudly.

  “Yep, he is amazing,” Abigail swooned.

  “How are you two doing?” Jason asked us with a smile as he approached us.

  “We are fine,” Abigail answered.

  “And you?” Jason directed towards me.

  “Uhh, just in a bit of a shock from being somewhere new,” I replied.

  “You will fit in perfectly; don’t worry about it,” Jason assured me.

  Great, he is a nice guy on top of being a pilot, handsome, having abilities, completing the impossible obstacle course, and being smart. Nope, I have no shot.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “Listen, Abigail told me how good of a fighter you are. Do you mind being my sparring partner for a bit?” Jason asked.

  “Jason, I don’t think that is such a good idea,” Abigail said with concern in her voice.

fine. If he is half the fighter you say he is, then I should be the one who is worried,” Jason told Abigail and winked at me. “Besides we will both be padded down, so neither of us will get hurt.”

  “Why not?” I said. Even with my shot being zero, I could not chicken out.

  Jason helped me fit on a pair of boxing gloves, and Abigail helped me secure my padded helmet.

  “All right,” Jason said. “Abilities are fair game. Yell ‘Uncle’ if you give up.”

  “What’s your ability?” I asked.

  Jason smiled. “You will see.”

  I had taken basic combat classes in school, so I was familiar with fighting—I just happened not to be that good at it. I usually just ran away until I was caught and beat.

  Jason took a step forward, and I started to back up, but I stopped and raised my arms.

  Jason was an arm’s length away.

  He stood with his arms to his side, like he wanted me to hit me.

  I swung, and my right glove connected with the side of his face. Jason’s head snapped to the side then straightened. He smiled.

  A wave of anger rushed through me. This smug guy is just playing with me.

  I swung again, this time connecting to his right side.

  He lurched a bit and straightened up, still smiling.

  “My turn,” he said as he jabbed forward.

  I was caught off guard as his glove connected with my chest.

  I felt pain on the right side of my face, my chest, and on my lower right side.

  I stumbled back a few paces before collapsing in pain. How was he able to do that? It felt like he had hit me three times with just one hit.

  “Where ever you hit me, I can hold the damage and push it back at you just by touching you,” Jason gloated like he was reading my thoughts.

  “Jason, that’s enough,” Abigail pleaded, but Jason ignored her.

  Jason walked closer to me, and I got to my feet. My mind was racing. I could not be so pathetic.

  I replayed what just happened in my head. He had been hurt when I first hit him; it just took a second for him to contain it. If I could somehow overwhelm him without being hit myself, then I may stand a chance.

  I stood up and took a deep breath.

  I can do this, I told myself.

  Jason pulled back his right arm to strike, and I let my mind take over.

  Time slowed down.

  I could see every muscle in his arm fire off and ripple.

  I did not know how long I could keep this up, so I just started swinging.

  Instantly I calculated each of my strikes and began to go to work.

  I launched myself forward to get in close. I jabbed my right elbow into his right arm pit to stop his attack. I saw his surprise and pain start to creep on my face, so I knew I had to be quick.

  Left fist to face. SMACK!

  Knee to the stomach.

  Right fist to face. SMACK!

  Step on left foot.

  While Jason began to stagger and I tried to control the pain in my head as I unleashed everything I had on his pretty face.

  My head started to pound, and I slipped back into reality.

  Jason fell backwards, sprawled on the floor.

  Abigail gave a yelp and put her hands over her mouth.

  Other people who were training started to walk over to see what had happened.

  Jason groaned and began to pull himself to his feet.

  He looked around and locked eyes with me. He was pissed.

  He began to walk over and exclaimed, “Cheap tricks will not get you far.”

  Jason pulled back his right arm and charged at me. I had nothing left, so I braced myself for a world of hurt.

  “Stop!” Abigail screamed as she tried to jump between me and Jason.

  Jason snapped to his senses, but it was too late—his fist continued to fly towards us.

  It glanced off of Abigail’s arm then hit me in the chest. Abigail and I both grunted in pain and fell to the ground.

  Jason fell to his knees.

  “I am so sorry, Abigail! I did not mean to…” Jason’s voice broke.

  Other people helped us sit up and began placing cold packs on our bruised bodies.

  “Dalyn,” Jason looked at me with genuine regret. “I’m sorry, man. I don't know what came over me. You have to believe me.”

  His eyes were wide and wild, like this was life or death.

  “It’s okay, Jason,” Abigail spoke up. “It was just an accident.”

  Jason stared at me with a look of fear.

  “Yeah,” I said, but I did not believe it. “It was just an accident.”

  We got to our feet and started towards the door.

  “See you at the party tonight!” Jason called.

  Abigail turned and waved with a forced smile.

  “What are you smiling for?” I demanded angrily. “He could have killed us, and we let him get away with it.”

  “Dalyn, it’s not his fault—” Abigail began

  “How is it not his fault that he tried to kill me?” I interrupted. “I saw it in his eyes; that’s what he wanted to do.”

  Abigail grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. She looked around to make sure no one was around.

  “Listen, headaches, bloody noses, and a lack of focus are not the only symptoms of being infected,” Abigail told me with a shaky voice. “When people use their abilities a lot, they have a higher chance of going…mad.”

  “You mean he is going crazy?” I asked.

  “He is not crazy,” Abigail insisted. “Sometimes he has outbursts. If anyone found out, he would be confined.”

  “Maybe they do it for a reason,” I suggested.

  “I know. But Dalyn, please don’t tell anybody.” Abigail’s red eyes begged me. “He is fine. I promise.”

  I rubbed my side and looked away.

  “Whatever,” I said.

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem,” I lied.

  “Now let’s go meet Mary and Peter for some lunch.” Abigail tried to sound upbeat.

  I must be going mad, I told myself.

  Chapter 18

  I could only imagine what everyone was thinking as they passed us in the halls.

  Two teenagers with bruises all over their faces and arms did look suspicious.

  We walked in silence until we got to the shopping area.

  “We are meeting them at Josh’oh’ah’s,” Abigail said.

  “Who’s?” I asked.

  “It is a restaurant. The owners name is Joshua. The food is so good it makes you go ‘ohhh’ and ‘ahh.’ Get it?” Abigail rolled her eyes. “Anyways, they have good cheeseburgers. Have you had one before?”

  “Nope, I can’t say that I have,” I admitted.

  We walked into a little diner and spotted Mary and Peter in a booth in the back corner.

  Mary waved at us, and we headed over to the table.

  My stomach began to knot up. I had not seen Peter since last night, and I did not know how he was going to react.

  Abigail got in first, and I slid in next to her.

  “Give me some space, Dalyn,” Abigail complained.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled, scooting closer to the edge of the booth.

  “What happened to you two?” Mary asked in bewilderment. “It looks like both have you were used as a punching bag!”

  It was funny how close to the truth she was.

  “We were just training,” Abigail insisted. “I am so hungry I could a four stacker with bacon, cheese, jalapenos, and the secret sauce.”

  She picked up the menu and nodded her head.

  “Yep, with a large side of fries,” Abigail added.

  Mary made a disgusted face and then grabbed my arm.

  I felt the swelling begin to go away, and my bruises began to fade.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  Mary’s eyes kept studying me.

  “Give me your hand, Abigail,” Mary asked, and she healed Abigail as well.

  I felt guilty that she was using her abilities on some bruises when it could make her go mad.

  The waitress came over and I ordered a Josh’Oh’Burger, fries, and the “brown soda,” which made everyone except for Peter laugh.

  “Lightweight,” Abigail mumbled before she started to ramble off a list of food to the waitress.

  After everyone had ordered, I began to fill in Mary and Peter about what my dad had told me last night.

  I was surprised that, when I had finished, it was Peter who spoke first.

  “So, your dad thinks your family is at the Renatus HQ? Do you think my family is there too?” Peter asked with hope in his eyes.

  “I don’t know. Maybe,” I admitted.

  “Then I am in,” Peter said.

  We all looked at him in disbelief.

  “I have been nothing my whole life. I want to do something meaningful,” Peter admitted. “So if I can save my family and others, then I want to put…this to use.”

  Peter was pointing to his skin.

  “I agree,” I told Peter. “If there is a chance to save anyone, I want to take it.”

  “Maybe I can find some information on my family when we are there,” Abigail chimed in.

  “So, you are in too?” I asked in amazement.

  “Well duh! Someone has to keep you boys out of trouble.” Abigail gave me a nasty glare that told me she still remembered my comment.

  We all looked at Mary, who was busy playing with her nails.

  She looked up.

  “I guess someone has to be your chaperone. Besides, I’ve never had the chance to show off my skills,” Mary said in a cheerful voice and winked.

  “I will talk to Casey,” Peter volunteered.

  We all nodded.

  The waitress returned with my burger, which was a piece of meat between two pieces of bread. The fries were little yellow sticks. I tried to pick one up, but the oil burned my finger.

  I watched Mary pick up her hamburger with both hands and take a bite. She moaned.

  “So good,” she said with a mouthful of meat and bread.

  “Where is mine at?” Abigail said in annoyance.